Thursday, September 07, 2006

Creating new learning and thinking with technology.

It's been a while since I posted and I actually have a few things in draft form that I want to post over the next couple of days.
The last couple of weeks have been hectic but exciting with the main focus being a week in Melbourne training the first Australian group of Intel Senior and Master Trainers in the pilot program Thinking with Technology.
It was a very challenging week both mentally and physically with very long days and nights keeping up with the program. But it was an incredibly rewarding week for me to work with other teachers from Victoria and Queensland who are exploring the use of technology and higher order thinking in the curriculum.
One thing that I found really valuable was to create a wiki specifically for this group so that they could reflect each day online. It meant then that they could comment on each other's thoughts and also meant that other interested people could read the comments from all over the world. So in a sense it was a pilot within a pilot and I think it worked very well.
Go here to check out what they said.
Intel Thinking with Technology Pilot

1 comment:

Anne said...

Yes, I have set up a space in wikispaces and at the moment the Year 9's are in Melbourne and are going to use their section to write their thoughts about their trip.
Do you make your wiki's completely private? I've just set them to password log in and free read.